It might seem a little melodramatic to say that the world was permanently transformed because of distance learning, but the number of people who are now trained via this method of education would completely agree. Distance learning doesn’t just change the world, though. It changes it one life at a time. The James Lind Institute is a good example of an institution that has contributed to this positive change. With graduates from over 40 countries, this single institute has forever transformed the lives of the millions of people who have called it an alma mater.
Their programs are expansive and help people get degrees in a large number of fields. One of their most popular programs is in health management, a very important field in today’s world of rapidly changing healthcare. Health management is often combined with education in policy, an important component of management that helps to shape the institutes the graduates will one day work in. As more people have realized the importance of a quality healthcare system, more and more people are flooding into fields like this where they will instantly make an impact on the world around them.
Quality education CAN begin online. Distance learning began decades ago, as some universities began offering online courses that didn’t require attendance in the classroom. Anyone in college after 1994 might have participated in one of these education programs. Larger universities poured distance learning classes into local community colleges so that those students could take part in university courses before ever hitting the university.
Back then, things were done primarily by televised lectures. In today’s world, you can take an entire class simply by watching videos online, obtaining the texts you need, and participating in the classroom discussions facilitated by instructors you might never even see in person. An enormous amount of work can be accomplished via computer, and today it’s more common to see this type of education than it was in decades past. This has shaped the world we live in by allowing students to keep their current job and still study from home at their own convenience. This is truly a life-altering event. In the old days, you might have had to quit your job to enter a new field. Today it’s as easy as signing up for online classes at a university or a place like the Lind Institute. In the end, you still get a quality education while retaining the ability to study when you can.
More and more students will likely take advantage of online healthcare courses in the future. They will buy their textbooks just like traditional students and then attend lectures via watching online videos. They have the added advantage of being able to re-watch a lecture if they don’t get the concepts the first time around. This phenomenon has changed the face of education and is most definitely changing the course of the world today. The healthcare industry especially benefits from this type of learning since it can take a while to master concepts.